Yaesu Ft847 Check Date Manufacturerfxfasr

Yaesu FT-847 SPECIFICATIONS. GENERAL: Type: Amateur HF/VHF/UHF transceiver: Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC/ 50-54 / 144-146 / 430-440 MHz (Europe. Nov 11, 2008 If you need to know exactly when your Yaesu radio was manufactured here is the way to decode Yaesu serial numbers: Position 1 = year made Position 2 = month made C = January D = February E = March F = April G = May H = June I = July J = August K = September L = October M = November N = December Pos 3 &/or 4 = lot number(s) Pos 5-8 sequence in.

How to setup WinSCP and Faros

WinSCP FTP Program for keeping your website updated with FAROS beacon information

Yaesu Ft847 Check Date Manufacturerfxfasr 19

1st set up your ftp host, password, port 21 and then setup the environment (click left hand side window)

Remote Directory = /faros | (This is the folder I created on my website to upload Faros Gif files.)

Yaesu Ft847 Check Date Manufacturerfxfasr 2019

Local Directory =
(For Windows 7): c:users{username}AppDataRoamingAfreetProductsFarosGif
(For Windows XP): c:Program FilesAfreetFarosGif

Save the setup including password and log on.

Use Control U to bring up the 'keep up to date' window, and select the gif folder on your computer and the folder on your website to keep synconised.

To automatically start WinSCP from the Startup folder when computer starts up you will have to modify the WinSCP icon on your desktop and copy it to the Startup folder under program files.

In the WinSCP Shortcut Target entry, it should read:


For Windows 7:
'c:Program FilesWinSCPWinSCP.exe' faros /keepuptodate c:users{username}AppDataRoamingAfreetproductsFarosGif /faros /defaults

For Windows XP:
'c:Program FilesWinSCPWinSCP.exe' faros /keepuptodate c:Program FilesAfreetFarosGif /faros /defaults

FAROS - To do list

Yaesu Ft847 Check Date Manufacturerfxfasr Paste

  1. Set up radio - enable CAT, force CW
  2. Tick autosave for SNR, SP/LP history Gif (You will need to do this if you plan on uploading to your website.)
  3. Set CW pitch to match your radios CW pitch. eg 700 or 800 is normal
  4. Test time servers and tick all that are available
  5. After Faros has been running for a while, View Delay Statistics and click into the middle of the green bars.