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After formatting your full UST-1 file (.txt or.csv), you can test your full UST-1 file format (before attempting to file on OBG) by going to the file format validator.csv File Rules/instructions: Download the Excel Template. Enter all UST-1 data in the Excel spreadsheet in the non-shaded fields. Type must be either “Original”. Made defoko cover akb48s heavy rotation since theyre my favourite jpop group ust is up for download too.

The Underground Storage Tank (UST) Management Program is responsible for ensuring operational compliance and cleanup of leaks from registered UST systems. The program is organized into five units and receives support from an additional unit as follows: Corrective Action Unit I manages leaking UST sites covered by the Georgia UST (GUST) Trust Fund. The UST SureVolt™ MD automatic voltage regulator is custom-configured to protect hospitals, pharmaceutical production facilities and other power-critical healthcare infrastructure. It corrects both transient and longer-term power problems to deliver voltage within 2% of nominal regardless of the state of the local grid.

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LTTng version naming

Since LTTng 2.0, each release bears the name of a Quebec microbrewed beer.

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2.12 (Ta) Meilleure

Ta Meilleure is a Northeast IPA beerbrewed by Lagabière.Translating to “Your best one”, this beer gives out strong aromas ofpassion fruit, lemon, and peaches. Tastewise, expect a lot of fruit,a creamy texture, and a smooth lingering hop bitterness.

2.11 Lafontaine

From Oshlag microbrewery, theLafontaine is a refreshing, zesty, rice beer withhints of fruit and spices. Some even say it makes for a great Somaek whenmixed with Chamisul Soju, not that we've tried!

2.10 KeKriek

From BrasserieDunham, the KeKriek is a sourmashed golden wheat ale fermented with local sour cherries fromTougas orchards. Fresh sweet cherry notes with some tartness, livelycarbonation with a dry finish.

2.9 Joannès

A Berliner Weisse style beer from theTrèfle Noirmicrobrewery in Rouyn-Noranda,the Joannès is a tangy beerwith a distinct pink dress and intense fruit flavor, thanks to thepresence of fresh blackcurrant grown in Témiscamingue.

2.8 Isseki Nicho

The result of a collaboration between Dieu du Ciel! and Nagano-basedShiga Kogen, Isseki Nicho is a strongImperial Dark Saison offering arich roasted malt flavor combined with a complex fruity finish typicalof Saison yeasts.

2.7 Herbe à Détourne

Brewed with unrestraied amounts of Citra hop, the Herbeà Détourne is a fantastic New World Tripel brewed by Dieu du Ciel!. Aromas ofmango, cantaloupe melon and passion fruit, combined with acontrolled bitter finish, unite in making this smooth golden-orangebeer stand apart.

2.6 Gaïa

From Benelux brewery inMontreal, the Gaïa is a witbierwith a cloudy light amber ale color.Aroma of coriander with floral hay notes is enchanting. Taste is alsodominated by the very floral coriander note and some medium sweet maltnotes.

2.5 Fumisterie

Dieu du Ciel!'sFumisterie is a beer whose styleis at the confluence of English andGerman ales. On the palate, it is full-bodied, malty and slightlycaramelized. The organic hemp seeds incorporated during the brewinggives it a unique and original taste. The hop flavour comes throughdelicately in the after taste.

2.4 Époque Opaque

The Époque Opaque is a black IPA from Trou du Diable brewery. Thenose is eerily reminiscent of the coffee crisp candy from of ourchildhood. These strong mocha accents are present on the palate, whichare quickly subdued by Japanese and Australian hops leading to a finalstate of satisfaction enjoyable for any fan of bitter beer.

2.3 Dominus Vobiscum

A very succulent line-up of beers brewed at MicrobrasserieCharlevoix. Elaborated starting from special malts andfermented with a Belgian yeast. These beers are refermented in bottleand will make you discover the richness of wheat, amber and triplestyles.

2.2 Cuda

Brewed at the Benelux microbrewery, thisIPA has huge floral, citric and resinous hop aroma, simply an amazingnose. The flavor is very fresh with a light caramel malting touchcompleting a strong body. Huge amounts of hops, lots of grapefruit,lemon and oranges. This is an outstanding IPA!

2.1 Basse Messe

Light coloured German ale brewed by Dieu du Ciel! whose style wasnamed after the city Cologne (Koln) where it was first brewed. It is arather simple beer with lightly fruity aromas and a delicate hoppyfragrance. The beer has a pronounced malty taste with a subtle bitteraftertaste.

2.0 Annedd'ale

New type of beer, 100% from Quebec, flavored with sapin beaumierneedles, with a touch of hops.

EPA developed class A and class B UST operator exams to primarily help UST system owners and operators in Indian country meet the 2015 federal UST regulation requirement that designated operators demonstrate knowledge. October 13, 2018 is the deadline for designated operators to verify compliance with the requirement to pass an exam.

  • Comments, questions, feedback?

Typical UST facilities are gas stations, convenience stores, and other non-retail facilities.

Airport hydrant fueling systems and UST systems with field-constructed tanks are regulated under 40 CFR Part 280, Subpart K.

Do I take class A or class B UST operator exam?

  • Class A operator is the person who has primary responsibility to operate and maintain the UST system according to the UST regulations. Class A operator exam tests general knowledge of the UST regulations.
  • Class B operator is the person who has day-to-day responsibility for implementing the UST regulations. Class B operator exam tests a more in-depth understanding of operation and maintenance aspects of UST systems.

Access UST Operator Exam

EPA is making these exams easily accessible and at no cost to all designated operators. The type of UST facility determines the exams designated operators must complete.

Typical UST system designated operators must complete:

  • Comprehensive examExit — class A operator covers 11 topics; class B operator covers 9 topics
  • Topic-specific exams Exit — allow class A and B operators to complete re-examination on topics required due to UST system non-compliance, per your implementing agency

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Airport hydrant fueling system (AHS) and UST system with field-constructed tank (FCT) designated operators must complete the comprehensive exam as well as the AHS or FCT specific topic, as applicable.

Successfully Complete UST Operator Exam

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You must correctly answer at least 80 percent of the exam’s questions in order to successfully pass and print a certificate of completion, which meets the operator training documentation required under 40 CFR, Subpart J. You may retake the exam an unlimited number of times in order to pass it. You will be able to access a printout about those questions you answered incorrectly. To help prepare for the exam and familiarize yourself with the federal UST requirements, EPA recommends you review the documents listed below; you may use them while taking the exam.

Remember to print or download your certificate of completion before exiting the system. You will have to retake the exam to obtain proof of completion.

About EPA’s UST Operator Exam

Question: Can a designated class A or B operator use this online exam–that is, pass the exam with 80 percent or greater and print a certificate–to meet state or other implementing agency requirements for operator training?

Answer: The answer depends on requirements of the UST implementing agency. Although passing the exam demonstrates required knowledge for the federal UST regulation, states and other implementing agencies may have different requirements. Contact your UST implementing agency for specific information on operator training requirements. In Indian country, EPA is the implementing agency, so passing this online exam meets requirements in 40 CFR, Subpart J.

Question: Can a designated class A or B operator in Indian country take UST operator training provided by a state or other organization, such as a private sector training provider, to meet the federal operator training requirements, instead of using this exam?

Answer: Yes, as long as that state or private training incorporates all the provisions and topics included in 40 CFR 280.242(a) and (b). Note, some existing state and private training do not incorporate all the necessary provisions.

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