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To get one (or more) freeSingle Instrument(s)users may choose from 26 differentVienna Instruments Collections, including the latestVienna Dimension Stringsthat are currently available at a special Early Bird Price. For further savings, the Viennese company offers 12 additional Bundles that include severalVienna Instruments Collectionsof a specific instrument category at a reduced bundle price (e.g.,Strings Complete,Percussion Complete,Woodwinds Bundle,Brass Bundle,etc.). EachVienna Instruments Collection(Standard Library) included in a purchasedBundleyields one freeSingle Instrumentproduct during the month of July, 2013. 76 Single Instruments Available Single Instrumentsare a great way to expand an existing palette of virtual orchestral instruments step-by-step.

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ASingle Instrumentproduct may be either aStandard Libraryor anExtended Library, the latter adding further articulations to the correspondingStandard Library.TheFull Libraryof aSingle Instrumentincludes both theStandardLibrary and theExtended Library, offering the complete set of samples and articulations as they appear on the award-winning completeVienna Instruments Collections. About the Vienna Symphonic Library The Vienna Symphonic Library is an innovative, research-driven music software and sample library developer based in Vienna, Austria. The team continually strives to improve virtual orchestral music production with a special emphasis on authenticity and ease-of-use.

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To get one (or more) freeSingle Instrument(s)users may choose from 26 differentVienna Instruments Collections, including the latestVienna Dimension Stringsthat are currently available at a special Early Bird Price. For further savings, the Viennese company offers 12 additional Bundles that include severalVienna Instruments Collectionsof a specific instrument category at a reduced bundle price (e.g.,Strings Complete,Percussion Complete,Woodwinds Bundle,Brass Bundle,etc.). EachVienna Instruments Collection(Standard Library) included in a purchasedBundleyields one freeSingle Instrumentproduct during the month of July, 2013. 76 Single Instruments Available Single Instrumentsare a great way to expand an existing palette of virtual orchestral instruments step-by-step.

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ASingle Instrumentproduct may be either aStandard Libraryor anExtended Library, the latter adding further articulations to the correspondingStandard Library.TheFull Libraryof aSingle Instrumentincludes both theStandardLibrary and theExtended Library, offering the complete set of samples and articulations as they appear on the award-winning completeVienna Instruments Collections. Izotope nectar for mac. Merantau putlocker. About the Vienna Symphonic Library The Vienna Symphonic Library is an innovative, research-driven music software and sample library developer based in Vienna, Austria. The team continually strives to improve virtual orchestral music production with a special emphasis on authenticity and ease-of-use.