
  1. Settlements Geography Ks2
  2. Settlement Geography Grade 12 Notes
SettlementsgeographySettlements geography grade 4



Give geographical reason.

Settlement: is a place where people live. A settlement may be as small as a single house in a remote area or as a large as a mega city (a city with over 10 million residents).; Site: is the actual location of a settlement on the earth and is composed of the physical characteristics of the landscape specific to the area. Site factors include things like landforms (i.e. Is the area protected. Availability of water is a major factor affecting settlements. Question By default show hide Solutions. Answer in Brief. Give geographical reason.

Settlements Geography Ks2

Availability of water is a major factor affecting settlements.


Human settlements are organised and structured human habitation in different regions. The concentration of settlement depends upon many important factors like the availability of water, natural resources, climatic conditions and the type of region. Even though the nature of the region and the climatic conditions also influence the concentration of settlement, the availability of clean water is the most important determinant. Because of this reason, we can find most of the ancient human habitations in the banks of the rivers. Indraprastha, Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro, and Varanasi are some examples of such settlements. Thus the availability of water is the most important determinant of the concentration of human settlement.

Settlement Geography Grade 12 Notes

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