International Cricket Captain 2011all Softwares

Downloads for the International Cricket Captain series. PlanetCricket has been upgraded to the latest version of the XenForo forum software, to find out more - including asking any questions or making any notes about any part of the forum that may be broken - see this discussion thread. Cricket Captain 2019 also features a full database update (over 7,000 players, including every historical international player), with improved player generation, balancing stats from all match types. The latest changes to all domestic structures have been added, including the addition of the new South African 20 over league and additional.

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  5. International Cricket Captain 2011

Got a great hint or tip for International Cricket Captain 2000. Developed a brilliant winning strategy for either one day games or county championship/test matches? Send me details so everyone can share.

Note hints from Chris Child the designer and lead programmer of International Cricket Captain 2000 can be found in the manual.


Craig Bluck says - Place an opening batsman at number 5 in the batting line up to see his batting average for the season increase. he usually hits 50's but occasionally hits 100's


Nick Campsall says (although suggested by many others as well)

When bowling always bowl at the batsmen's weakness, i.e if he prefers his back foot bowl full at his feet and if he prefers his front foot bowl short at him. If the batsmen likes his legside bowl at his offside and vice versa.

In county matches, I suggest bowling at one from full aggression the whole time. In one day matches, I would bowl with the defensive setting. These tactics usually reduce teams to below 150.


Tom Van Dyke says

As you might have seen on the Reviews page, I'm an American who took up cricket at a ripe age. Although I'm a tenderfoot at real-life cricket, I urge y'all to think real cricket instead of playing to outsmart the programmers. You'll have a whole helluva lot more fun, and besides, this game was constructed by people who love cricket. They gave it everything they have, and they just might be smarter than you. So Use The Force, Luke.

Since I'm a Yank, it's not surprising I'm attracted to ODI's, which take only 6-7 hours. But most agree they're the hardest version of ICC-2000. I've picked up a few things


Half or more of my RHBowlers' wickets are taken when bowling around the wicket (in one game, it was every one). You can pin down an offside preference batsman bowling at leg stump, but most wickets will come aiming at off stump. But you gotta set 'em up bowling over the wicket---you can't bowl around the wicket all the time. That would be too easy.

Yorkers (fullest length [with no aggression?]) are worth trying on the 4th and/or 5th ball.

Any brilliant idea you come up with is mostly worth staying with, at least through the end of the over. You can give up 2 consecutive 4's and then still get a wicket. Patience, Grasshopper.

Change only a few fielders! Too many fielding changes seem to give the program a hernia. But make sure you try to take away a batsman's favorite (favourite, as most of you misspell it) shot after he's on 20. Trim your field, but don't try to reinvent the wheel---the computer will laugh as he steams a boundary past the futile dive of your perfectly-positioned fielder. A couple of well-conceived edits will help you a lot, though (Jonathan Agnew will tell you what a genius you are by complimenting a key fielding stop).

You can attack an unsettled batsman's strength. Don't be a wuss!

Like in real cricket, when I'm smacked for 6, I figure the batsman's goin' down soon. Don't be a wuss and go all defensive.

Watch how the AI gets you out when you're batting!


Play too cautiously and you'll hover around 200 and lose.

When you're satisfied a batsman's settled in, go to 1 less than max aggression.

If a batsman plays a ! shot, UP the aggression by 1 or 2 for the next ball! (That's why I like 1 less than max. If he gets in trouble, I still have room to bump him up and I leave him there for the rest of the over. So far, no batsman's been dismissed.) Don't be a wuss!

I play 0 aggression until I see a little green smudge in the settled bar, and even longer against an in-form bowler who's having a good day. I'm a total handbag in that respect

Pick 1 or maybe 2 bowlers to respect, based on your scouting and then your observation in the match. Pat them down with 0-2 aggression, and then aggressively torture the others.

You can tell how well somebody's bowling by how close they get to where they intended to bowl. (That's the little graphic on the left on the 'Commentary' page. One dot is where he was aiming, the other is where the ball ended up [this isn't explained in the new manual]). If he's missing his spots, go after him, even if he's been hot lately. That's why the programmers put that graphic there! (And if your bowler is missing his spots...!?)

This means you gotta 'unlock' the handcuffs. Play the better of a pair of bowlers conservatively, and go after the other. If you 'unlock', the game will remember your aggression for each bowler.

General Notes

Take your time. Put the highlight setting to every ball at key times in the match to see how the batsmen are reacting, whether you're bowling or batting. The programmers put very subtle clues in the dot balls.

Take your time before starting a match. Scout the other side. Find out which bowlers are hot and which aren't (I haven't figured out yet how to take advantage of knowing which batsmen are hot, except knowing that the tail is either good or bad). A less-talented but in-form bowler will take your scalp!

If you're satisfied with holding the batting side to a low run rate early on, DON'T BE! With beaucoup wickets in hand, the AI will Lechter you in overs 40-50. Gotta get some wickets.

Training is extremely effective. And it's weird (or like real life, actually) how quickly a player will backslide after you withdraw his coaching. In American baseball, they say good pitching beats good hitting, especially in the World Series. Invest in your bowling.

Take your time. Enjoy. Think up a plan based on your scouting and stick to it. Every time I stick to my analysis, I win. When I get emotional, I get blown out. Kinda like cricket, huh?

Paul Clarke says

Firstly, this tip assumes that you become England Captain (manager). It really isn't that difficult, and most players should achieve it by the end of their fourth season.

Next, take a careful note of who your domestic team are playing during the test matches AND ODI series during the summer.

Right..this is the fiddle. When a match comes up and you are 'away on international duty' destroy your domestic opposition by putting it's best six players in the test team (overseas internationals excepted...obviously) - three top batsmen, the opening bowlers and the best spinner will normally do the trick.

International Cricket Captain 2011all Softwares Download

Fill the rest of the test team with youngsters from your domestic team. Train (and physio) your own players (bringing them on with training and experience at no cost to yourself).

International Cricket Captain 2011all Softwares 2017

You will almost certainly lose the test match (though you will be surprised by the odd victory) but your domestic team will come on leaps and bounds. In one season Worcestershire won 7 out of 7 First class games in my absence and 5 out of 6 one dayers. Your players will score gazzilions of runs and take hatfulls of wickets, your youngsters will get fantastic experience (I've got a chap called F. Francis who scored three hundreds for England and took 13 wickets in his first 8 test matches...which were also the first 8 games he played at any level! and he's now just turned 19!) and all on Autoplay!

Once your side is really strong, concentrate more on the international side of things, picking you top groomed players for Winter tours (and even MORE experience) and within 3/4 seasons you will be winning all the way.

Alright it's unscrupulous..but it sure works!

Chris Maudsley says - For a 50 over game, do the following

  1. Win the toss
  2. Put your opponents in
  3. Do your best to tie your opponents' batsmen down
  4. Set your batsmen's level on aggressive

You should have the game all over within 30 overs.

Dyfan Powel says - If using a weak team then money will be hard to come by, as well as the best way of improving you're team in the long term. Instead of trying to compete in every competition and stretching you're limited resources, try to concentrate on the one day competitions.

This is the best way to make money. To do this, try to sign players who have high one day averages in batting and low RPO's in bowling. Put out a week team in the County Championship or use young players. Then play you're best teams in the one day games. If you can build up a strong one day team then you can improve the team thanks to the prize money. This though will take time. Sign Young players as well as experienced players.

Joe says - I found that if you employ this method with almost any fair to good team in the game then you should be winning about 75% of championship matches and usually more. If you win the toss then unless it's a pudding of a wicket bat first. Score as quickly as possible and don't worry about losing wickets too much. You should try and score about 250-300 in the day and possibly including the first session of the 2nd day too if the weather forecast is good.

Then you must have a good bowling attack, with two off-spinners preferably. Open with two seamers on full aggression on leg stump with the most attacking field. This will inevitably cost you runs but you should create chances and if you have good bowlers take a wicket or two. Bowl them about 6 overs each unless they get slogged in which case go to the spinners more quickly.

This works particularly well with the Sri Lankan R. Arnold and any other good off-spinner. Just bowl on middle stump with 3 bars of aggression and the middle field setting. This should cost you few runs and make plenty of chances. All being well you should have bowled them out for the same or slightly less and still have two and a half days to go.

Now bat even more positively and try and get about 250-300 again. Quite often the batting team will then collapse to about 150 all out.

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Cricket Captain, formerly International Cricket Captain, is a series of cricket management video games by Empire Interactive, and by Childish Things since International Cricket Captain 2009, before which Empire went into administration. It rose to popularity in 1998, following the release of the first PC-based game in the series. The most recent version of the game is Cricket Captain 2020.

The concept for International Cricket Captain was the idea of Chris Child, who programmed the original game engine as a university project. Empire producer Brian Walker produced and co-designed the game in which the player takes control of an English County Cricket squad with the aim of leading them to success in the domestic competition and ultimately being asked to take up the position of England manager. There is also an added option in later games in the ICC series to take control of one of the other Test playing nations.

Taking inspiration from the hugely successful Championship Manager series of games which were also produced by Brian Walker, most aspects of a management sim are present in ICC, with the ability to coach players on their individual skills, scout opposition and buy and sell players at the end of each season. There are also comprehensive statistics available in the form of career stats pages for each player and team. Graphs and charts help the gamer to select the strongest team possible against particular opposition.[1]

Transition to console[edit]

Although mainly a PC based series, there have been console cross-overs, most notably for ICC 2001 which appeared on the PlayStation. However the PS version was limited in features compared to its PC cousin and as a result was not very successful. Aside from the lack of on-line play capability, gamers noted that the transition to the console meant for longer loading periods and a slightly more tedious controller-based interface.[2]

Game engine revamp[edit]

International Cricket Captain 2011all Softwares

ICC III was released on 6 July 2007 including a new algorithmic method of calculating player performances and a 3D match engine with motion captured shots. These changes are arguably a result of the competition that International Cricket Captain now faces from the popular Cricket Coach series, developed by Rockingham Software. The new engine replaces the original graphic highlights which were retained for each of the previous versions of the game, save minor cosmetic tweaks.


Over recent years, a common criticism from games reviewers[3] is of the perceived lack of progress in terms of the game's functionality, with the obvious change between versions tending to be limited to updated players and statistics.

Games in the series[edit]

  • International Cricket Captain
  • Australian Cricket Captain
  • International Cricket Captain 2
  • International Cricket Captain 2000
  • International Cricket Captain 2001 & Ashes Edition
  • International Cricket Captain 2002
  • International Cricket Captain 2005 & Ashes Edition
  • International Cricket Captain 2006
  • International Cricket Captain 2006: Ashes Edition
  • International Cricket Captain III
  • International Cricket Captain 2008
  • International Cricket Captain 2009: Ashes Edition
  • International Cricket Captain 2010
  • International Cricket Captain 2011
  • International Cricket Captain 2012
  • International Cricket Captain 2013
  • Cricket Captain 2014
  • Cricket Captain 2015
  • Cricket Captain 2016
  • Cricket Captain 2017
  • Cricket Captain 2018
  • Cricket Captain 2019
  • Cricket Captain 2020

International Cricket Captain[edit]

The player is able to take control of the English County side of their choice from the 1998 Season with the aim of becoming accomplished enough to captain the English national side.

The player must guide their chosen County Championship side through an English cricket season, playing English county cricket as well as regular first class matches. During close season, contract negotiations take place in which players are transferred between clubs or retire from the game altogether. There is also a pool of overseas players (from which the player can sign only one, in line with the regulations of the time).

The player receives a new points total each season based on their performance. If they have accrued enough points they are invited to coach the England team. This involves selecting a squad from the extensive pool of English county players and managing them in One Day International and Test Matches, including an annual winter tour. The game continues for twenty seasons until 2018, at which point the player is forced into retirement and the game ends.

Australian Cricket Captain[edit]

Australian Cricket Captain, featuring Australian State teams and competitions, was released to the Australasian market in 1999.[4] The game is almost identical to the original release in terms of gameplay aside from a revamp of the contracting system and minor cosmetic tweaks. There is also a commentary by former Australian captain Ian Chappell.


New releases of International Cricket Captain were made every year, with primarily minor cosmetic changes. These games are International Cricket Captain 2, International Cricket Captain 2000, International Cricket Captain 2001 (and the Ashes Edition), International Cricket Captain 2002, and International Cricket Captain 2005 (and the Ashes Edition).

International Cricket Champion 2006[edit]

International Cricket Captain 2006 was released on the PC. In England, batsmen Kevin Pietersen is featured on the cover, whereas the Australian version features fast bowler Brett Lee.

When playing single player you can choose one of four modes to play.

  • Full Game - You take control of a County Team with the possibility of 'captaining' the England cricket team.
  • County and England - You take control of a County Team and England from the very beginning.
  • International Only - Take control of any of the 10 Test cricket nations.
  • Scenario - Relive a classic cricket match from the past.
  • Two Player - Go head to head with a friend.

International Cricket Captain 2006 featured online play where you could take on another player in either a First Class or ODI match.

International Cricket Captain 2006: Ashes Edition' is a video game, the eighth from the popular International Cricket Captain Series. It was purposely made for England's attempt to retain The Ashes in Australia. It is mainly a roster update from International Cricket Captain 2006 but also includes 6 ashes scenarios.

International Cricket Captain III[edit]

International Cricket Captain III
Developer(s)Empire Interactive
Publisher(s)Empire Interactive
Designer(s)Chris Child
ReleaseJuly 6, 2007
November 16, 2007 (PSP)
Mode(s)Single-player & Multiplayer

International Cricket Captain III is the ninth iteration of the ICC series.

Released in the summer of 2007, the game boasted the largest number of changes to the series for many versions including new 3D graphics and changes to the underlying match engine. A demo, playable for a maximum of 48 hours (two calendar days) was available at the developer's website.International Cricket Captain III is also available for the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable.

International Cricket Captain 2008[edit]

International Cricket Captain 2008
Platform(s)Microsoft Windows
  • EU: Jun 27, 2008

International Cricket Captain 2008 featured on its United Kingdom cover, England's Monty Panesar. It contained all contemporary cricket players from first class cricket, Test cricket, List-A and One Day International teams, and can be played in a career mode indefinitely, with repeating domestic and international fixtures generated for each year, along with youth players continually added and other players retiring to enable an open-ended career as coach of a national or domestic side.

International Cricket Captain 2009[edit]

Developer(s)2P Games
Publisher(s)Childish Things
SeriesInternational Cricket Captain
Platform(s)Microsoft Windows
ReleaseJuly 2, 2009
Genre(s)Sports Simulation

International Cricket Captain 2009 is the 12th game in the series so far. It contains all current cricket players from first class cricket, Test cricket, List-A and One Day International teams, and can be played in a career mode indefinitely, with repeating domestic and international fixtures generated for each year, along with youth players continually added and other players retiring to enable an open-ended career as coach of a national or domestic side. There have been many improvements in the game from the previous installment International Cricket Captain 2008. It was first released on 2 July as a download only from the Childish Things website, and the box version was released on 17 July 2009.

International Cricket Captain 2011 All Softwares Full

International Cricket Captain 2010[edit]

International Cricket Captain 2010
Developer(s)Childish Things
Publisher(s)P2 Games
SeriesInternational Cricket Captain
Platform(s)Microsoft Windows
ReleaseJune 5, 2010
Genre(s)Sports Simulation

International Cricket Captain 2010 is the 13th edition of the International Cricket Captain series. It contains all current cricket players from first class cricket, Test cricket, List-A and One Day International teams, and can be played in a career mode indefinitely, with repeating domestic and international fixtures generated for each year, along with youth players continually added and other players retiring to enable an open-ended career as coach of a national or domestic side. The game features all teams and competitions from the English Domestic Season, International teams and competitions including the T20 World Cup and for the first time in the Cricket Captain series, all teams and competitions from the Australian Domestic Season.

Players can choose to take control of one of the eighteen county sides and participates in the County Championship, Clydesdale Bank 40 and Twenty20 Cup. After each season players take part in the transfer market recruiting new players for their side and they can choose one main overseas player, one reserve overseas player and two T20 overseas player which can only play in T20 matches.

Players can also choose to take control of one of the six State sides and participates in Sheffield Shield, Ford Ranger One Day Cup and KFC Twenty20 Big Bash after each season players can choose new players in the transfer market and they get two randomly selected overseas player.

As with previous versions, the entire County cricket sphere is open to the player, with each of the counties as a playable team. New to the 2010 edition is the inclusion of the Australian state cricket teams, the New South Wales Blues, Victorian Bushrangers, Western Warriors, Southern Redbacks, Queensland Bulls and Tasmanian Tigers. All international Test playing nations and Zimbabwe also feature, as well as all One Day International playing teams though these are unplayable.

International Cricket Captain 2011[edit]

International Cricket Captain 2011
Developer(s)Childish Things
Publisher(s)P2 Games
SeriesInternational Cricket Captain
Platform(s)Microsoft Windows, Mac OS
Release8 June 2011
Genre(s)Sports Simulation

International Cricket Captain 2011 is the 14th edition of the International Cricket Captain series

ICC 2011 received mixed reviews: GameSpot concluded that 'international Cricket Captain 2011 doesn't break any new ground, but a wealth of real-life statistics married to a solid management sim makes it worth the investment for any budding cricket captains.'

International Cricket Captain 2012[edit]

International Cricket Captain 2013[edit]

International Cricket Captain 2013
Developer(s)Childish Things
Publisher(s)P2 Games
SeriesInternational Cricket Captain
Platform(s)Microsoft Windows, Mac OS
ReleaseJune 2013
Genre(s)Sports Simulation

International Cricket Captain 2013 is the sixteenth installment of the International Cricket Captain series. Produced by Childish Things on Microsoft Windows and Mac OS, it follows the release of International Cricket Captain 2012 the previous year.

Built upon previous versions, with updated statistics for current players, ICC '13' also included new features: 'All-Time Greats' in which players can assemble teams of great cricketers from different eras; 'Classic England vs. Australia' in which players can replay one of five classic test matches from the England / Australia rivalry; international on-line, enabling players to engage in international Test, ODI and T20 matches. Various graphical and interface upgrades were also introduced, as well as the ability to pick opposition teams in custom series. It was released on 29 June 2013, a day later than planned following the discovery of an unexpected error.[5]

Cricket Captain 2014[edit]

Producer: Childish ThingsSeason: 2014 and AbroadFeatures: English County Cricket, Australian Domestic First Class, Indian Premier League, Indian First Class, International Tests, ODIs, T20s and List A.

Cricket Captain 2015[edit]

The latest edition in the series, Cricket Captain 2015, was released on 8 July 2015 on Steam and has received mixed reviews from players, most noting that there aren't many changes in the game except for a few minor additions and a statistical update.

Cricket Captain 2016[edit]

International Cricket Captain 2016
Developer(s)Childish Things
Publisher(s)KISS ltd
SeriesInternational Cricket Captain
Platform(s)Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, IOS
Release5 July 2016
Genre(s)Sports Simulation

Cricket Captain 2016 was released on 5 July 2016 on Steam; new features included playable New Zealand and South African Domestic teams, Updated One Day International (ODI) and 20 over (T20) World Cup Tournament modes. International teams that played in the last two World Cups including Afghanistan, Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands, Oman, Scotland or the UAE were playable.

Cricket Captain 2017[edit]

International Cricket Captain 2018
Developer(s)Childish Things
Publisher(s)KISS ltd
SeriesInternational Cricket Captain
Platform(s)Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, Android, IOS[6]
Release6 July 2017[7]
Genre(s)Sports Simulation

Cricket Captain 2017 was released on 6 July 2017. New features include the new twenty-over leagues in West Indies, South Africa, Pakistan, and Bangladesh[8]

  • Ground Records
  • International Versus Records
  • four new modelled grounds: Cardiff, Taunton, Bristol and Hobart with updated ground models for existing grounds
  • Historical Scenarios: England vs South Africa 2003, 1998 and England vs West Indies 1995, 1984 and 1957
  • New database with improved player ability and player type accuracy
  • Pakistan Domestic cricket


  1. ^England's One Man Army ICC Site
  2. ^ ICC page
  3. ^Such as in the GameSpotReview for the 2006 version
  4. ^Commercial Cricket Games - Australian Cricket Captain
  5. ^Nixon, James (15 May 2013). 'Cricket Games - International Cricket Captain 2013 Features'. Cricket Web.
  6. ^Sripath, Srinath (July 16, 2017). 'Srinath Sripath reviews Cricket Captain 2017: An all-too-familiar, spruced up time sink'. ESPN Cricinfo. Retrieved July 17, 2017.
  7. ^'Cricket Captain (@CricketCaptain)'. Twitter. Retrieved July 17, 2017.
  8. ^'Childish Things 2017'. Childish Things. Retrieved July 17, 2017.

International Cricket Captain 2011all Softwares Free

External links[edit]

International Cricket Captain 2011

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