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If you or your parents were born in Ireland, or if you were adopted inIreland, you may be an Irish citizen by birth.


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If you are not entitled to Irish citizenship by birth, you may be able tobecome an Irish citizen by registering your birth on the Foreign Births Register, or by applying fornaturalisation.

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You can read about citizenship law inIreland.

Who is an Irish citizen by birth?

You are entitled to be an Irish citizen by birth if you fall into one of thecategories below.

1. Born in Ireland before 1 January 2005

If you were born in Ireland before 1 January 2005, you are an Irish citizenby birth.

If you were born in Northern Ireland before 1 January 2005, you are entitledto claim Irish citizenship. This means that you can choose to be an Irishcitizen and apply for an Irish passport if you want to.

2. Born in Ireland after 31 December 2004

The people of Ireland voted to change the constitutional right tocitizenship in the 27thAmendment to the Irish Constitution. This ended the automatic entitlementto citizenship by birth to everyone born in Ireland.

If you are born on or after 1 January 2005, your entitlement to Irishcitizenship depends on the nationality or residence history of your parent orparents.

Irish or UK parent

If either of your parents was an Irish or UK citizen at the time of yourbirth, you are automatically an Irish citizen if you were born in Ireland. Ifyou were born in Northern Ireland to an Irish or British parent, you can chooseto be an Irish citizen.

If your Irish or UK citizen parent died before you were born, you are anIrish citizen by birth.

Parent from outside Ireland and UK

If you were born in Ireland on or after 1 January 2005 and neither of yourparents were Irish or UK citizens, your entitlement to Irish citizenship bybirth depends on your parents’ residence status and history.

One of your parents must have:

  • Lived in Ireland or Northern Ireland for 3 out of the 4 years before you were born or
  • Have the right to live in Ireland or Northern Ireland without any restriction on their period of residence

Only reckonable residence is counted towards the 3 out of 4 yearsneeded. This does not include periods spent in Ireland on a student visa orwhile waiting for a decision on an internationalprotection application.

3. Born outside Ireland to an Irish parent

If you were born outside of Ireland, you are automatically an Irish citizenby birth if either one of your parents was born in Ireland and was entitled toIrish citizenship.

4. Born in Ireland with no right to citizenship of another country

If none of the above applies to you and you were born in Ireland, but youare not entitled to citizenship of any other country, you are an Irish citizenby birth.

Irish citizenship when you are bornabroad

If either of your parents was born in Ireland and was an Irish citizen atthe time of your birth, you are automatically an Irish citizen by birth.

If the parent through whom you are entitled to Irish citizenship wasdeceased at the time of your birth, but would have been an Irish citizen ifalive at that time, you are also an Irish citizen.

Irish citizen parent born outside Ireland

If you were born outside of Ireland and your parent (who was also bornoutside of Ireland) was an Irish citizen or entitled to be an Irish citizen atthe time of your birth, then you are entitled to become an Irish citizen.

To claim Irish citizenship, you must have your birth registered in the Foreign Births Register, unless yourparent was abroad in the public service at the time of your birth. If you areentitled to register, your Irish citizenship is effective from the date ofregistration – not from the date when you were born.

Citizenship through descent from Irish grandparent

If one of your grandparents was born in Ireland, but neither of your parentswas born in Ireland, you may become an Irish citizen. You will need to haveyour birth registered in the ForeignBirths Register.

Other Irish ancestors

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Unless at least one parent or an Irish-born grandparent was an Irish citizenat the time of your birth, you cannot claim Irish citizenship on the basis ofextended previous ancestry (that is, ancestors other than your parents orgrandparents). In addition, you cannot claim Irish citizenship on the basisthat a relation such as a cousin, aunt or uncle was an Irish citizen if none ofyour parents or grandparents was an Irish citizen at the time of your birth.

The following table may help to explain the situation:

If you are:Then you are:
ABorn in the island of Ireland on or before 31 December 2004Entitled to Irish citizenship or you are an Irish citizen
BBorn on the island of Ireland on or after 1 January 2005

Entitled to Irish citizenship if one or both of your parents:

  • Is Irish
  • Is British or entitled to live in Northern Ireland or the Irish State without restriction on their residency
  • Is a foreign national legally resident in the island of Ireland for 3 out of 4 years immediately prior to your birth
CChild of A, born outside the island of IrelandAn Irish citizen
DChild of C and a grandchild of A, born outside the island of IrelandEntitled to Irish citizenship, but you must first register in the Foreign Births Register
Ea child of D and a great-grandchild of A, born outside the island of Ireland Entitled to Irish citizenship, by having your birth registered in the Foreign Births Register, but only if your parent D had registered by the time of your birth.

You can use the onlinetool on the Immigration Service Delivery website to check if you are anIrish citizen by birth or decent.

Irish citizenship throughadoption

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Under the IrishNationality and Citizenship Act 1956, if a child who is not an Irishcitizen is adoptedby an Irish citizen or a couple where either spouse is an Irish citizen, thenthe adopted child shall be an Irish citizen.

If an Irish citizen who is living abroad adopts a child abroad, they shouldapply for the adoption to be entered in the Registerof Intercountry Adoptions. Once it is registered, the adoption has the samelegal status as if the adoption was made in the State.

If an Irish citizen living in the State is in the process of having aforeign adoption recognised here, certain immigrationprocedures must be observed. In order for the adopted child to enter theState, you must get immigration clearence in advance from the Department ofJustice. This clearance will only be granted once the adoptive parent(s)proposing to adopt abroad have successfully completed the assessment procedureand have had a declaration made in their favour by the Adoption Authority of Ireland. This is calledan intercountryadoption.

Citizenship through specialdeclaration

Some people may claim Irish citizenship by making a declaration. Theyinclude:

  • A person born on the island of Ireland between 2 December 1999 and 31 December 2004 to a foreign national who at the time of that person's birth was entitled to diplomatic immunity within the State (for example, a foreign ambassador)
  • A person between 2 December 1999 and 31 December 2004 born in Irish sea or air space to a foreign national on a foreign ship or in a foreign aircraft
  • A person born on the island of Ireland who has made a declaration of alienage under Section 21 of the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956 (that is, a person who has declared that they are no longer an Irish citizen). Such a person can resume Irish citizenship by making a declaration using form 1 (pdf).

These forms are available from ImmigrationService Delivery or your nearest Irish embassy orconsular office.

Further information and contacts

If you are entitled to citizenship by birth you can apply for an Irishpassport. You can read about:

If you were born abroad and your grandparents were born in Ireland, or yourparent or parents are Irish citizens who were not born in Ireland, you can readabout how to claim Irish citizenship through the Foreign Births Register.

If you are not an Irish citizen by birth and you live in Ireland, you canread about how to qualify for Irishcitizenship by naturalisation.

To apply for a passport aboard, contact your nearest Irish embassy orconsulate